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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Giving them the Respect they deserve..

26/11: The day each of us Indians can remember as a 'Black Day' in the history of the Post-Indian Independence, the day that left us with unbearable trauma, the day NSG commandos, popularly known as Black Cats stormed the terrorists and took the terrorists down. With a heavy heart, I also need to say that two of the commandos laid down their lives for the sake of our protection, our integrity and our honor. After the 'Operation Black Tornado' the elite force of country received sincere acclaim and praise from all the corners, but it is real disappointment for brave NSG commandos, who are still waiting for the deserving
honour and promises made by the government..The NSG commandos have been hoodwinked by the government agency and are facing apathy.When one NSG commando tried to raise the concern, he was transferred to another unit and also threatened by the senior officials.
NSG Jawan Sunil Kumar, who was adjudged best commando in 2008, is still waiting for the justice. He knocked the door of PMO and approached powerful Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to get the justice but result was zilch.  Interestingly, the NSG commandos, received a very small amount. Government of Maharashtra just offered Rs 50k while Central government announced Rs 1 lakh. NSG headquarter released Rs 78, 318. The amount was not released from the government account but it was deducted from the salaries of NSG commandos.  
Let alone NSG,  because they are recruited after and subject to intense psychological tests and provided with best psychological support. Now, take the case of Indian army, the largest in terms of active manpower in the world. They have just become toys in the hands of politicians because winning a war means getting votes. Even in this worst case, the apathy the army is facing is horrendous. After all they are humans too. They too have personal problems, have love and affection. According to a report there is a suicide once in three days in the defence forces. The reasons behind that are pretty simple to analyze, the trauma one has to face once the bullets just pass off them, the sadness when his comrade just dies in-front of him, the humiliation their higher officers make them pass through. Some unfaithful bastards who are siblings of army men, instead of being proud of the very siblings, exploit the opportunity of grabbing the share of his land. Such is the apathy the nation of India is in. The number of psychiatrists who are supposed to be in the ratio of 1000:1 is in the ratio of lesser than 10,000:1.
The information provided here are just stats, and concerned with the GOI to be very loose, but let us analyze our role in boosting the morale of our Men.
1) How many of us offered a seat in a bus to an army man standing right beside us?
If yes, will that not give them a feeling that they are not alone.
Why should there be no reservation in the buses or transportation systems if there can be a reservation for ladies, senior citizens and in the worst case politicians.
Why should we not forego some part of the reservations in the jobs to give the opportunity for those who retire from the armed forces?
Are the men who retire from the army the best suited for highest % of reservations (for they laid their lives to protect us) instead of providing it to some one else who is not even made accountable for the reservation he is using to the taxpayers.
Give it a thought guyz!!!!


  1. reservations are not vfor giving importance...reservations are meant for people who donot have full strength to take a steap ahead due to some communal or physical hinderances....

  2. I truly agree with you. For the people who are sacrificing so much just to protect a common man like us who means nothing to him, this is the least we can do.

  3. @Alekya: I have seen a number of retired army-personnel who just do not get the right job and struggling to make a livelihood, they were not even given proper guidance for the search of the job..and that itself prompted me to write this post.And if you think reservations are only for people who do not have full strength, then why do we have reservations in sports quota? Do you think most number of Brahmins have the full strength economically or physically? I do not want to delve into depths of the systems of reservations and its implementation in the country but as I said that was just my thought.

  4. I, you and so many others are concerned abt so many things but hardly go that one step fwd to make an effort to put it down on the web like this.. we are either too busy with our own lives, tensions or things like this dont even touch us enough to make us do something more than sparing a thought....!! that we cant squeeze in time boss!! Appreciate ur thoughts on the heavy subject.... but avoid words like "bastards" even though the aforementioned ppl deserve to be called so.... nullifies the seriousness....

